Grateful for garter
I was in a knitting funk
my Mountain Stream was dried up.
my sox were just blah
even my never ending washrag was making me twitchy
not enough time to really concentrate on knitting; time all used up by work and commute. sure I could get in a row or two n the short part of the bus RIDE but most of my time is spend waiting for the next bus and one can't really get out a pattern and spread out while standing at the stop or crowded onto a bus bench, right?
so; back to the basis of all, the one source, the seminal stitch.
i'm knitting up Baby Surprise with one of the new Yarn Bee baby yarns; and i'm making up some log cabin squares with a wildly variegated RH Kid's and the flood gates have parted. ideas are pouring in....let's go garter!
photos soon i promise